Customer Testimonials

We take pride in providing award-winning customer service and the least invasive foundation repair solutions.


“We had great success with it, had no water infiltration. You guys are great to work with, very responsive, very respectful. We had to reschedule and you were flexible. We have recommended you!” –Lauren Tracy, Austin Water Utility Facility Engineering

“We were very pleased with the speed and accuracy of the job. The areas lifted look great.”   -Susan Converse, Kinsman Lutheran Church

“Very pleased with sales rep, technicians and overall work.”   -Sylvia Rivas, Turk Investments

“The crew that was here demonstrated a high level of professionalism and experience.”   –Diane White, City of Bellaire

“I have recommended your company to others, both in Houston and Austin.”   -Karen Cardwell, Richfield Investment Corporation

“Great Job – URETEK was knowledgeable and very helpful in finding a reasonable solution.”   –Mike Kennedy, Pate Engineers