Soil Stabilization at Pearland Sports Park

Dec 13, 2016

A Houston contractor contacted URETEK ICR Gulf Coast to provide a soil stabilization solution for multiple parking lot light poles at an under construction sports park in Pearland, TX. Soon after being installed, the light poles began to lean. The contractor had the light poles realigned but needed a solution to keep them from leaning again.

One of URETEK’s foundation repair specialists visited the job site and found that the soil was extremely saturated and weak. The specialist proposed injecting URETEK’s expanding geopolymer five feet below the soil, around the base of the light poles. The geopolymer would arrest the light pole and stabilize surrounding soils with zero-excavation.

URETEK’s patented geopolymer is lightweight, high-density, structural-grade polyurethane foam capable of lifting and supporting multi-tonnage. URETEK uses their geopolymer in a variety of ways, like commercial and residential foundation repair, void fill and manhole rehabilitation.

Low Cost Injection Repair Method

URETEK technicians mobilized to start repairs. Light pole stabilization began by drilling two injection sites per light pole down to the target depth, -5 feet. Next, technicians injected geopolymer. As the geopolymer expands around the light pole’s subsurface base, it compresses the soil, fills fissures and pushes local ground water to less saturated soils. The injection process is, essentially, creating a dense aggregate of soil and geopolymer that will provide subsurface support to the light pole. While injecting, technicians look for visual cues, like outcropping, that demonstrate positive results.  Once technicians have completed injections at each injection site (two per light pole), they move on to the next one.

In one day URETEK technicians stabilized ten light poles at the sports park. URETEK saved the customer valuable time by providing a fast, zero-excavation solution. Contact us today for a free inspection!


Don't Be Shy

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